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Erin Go Bragh 7.77k

Sat March 14, 2026 Westminster, CO 80021 US Directions

Location/Parking/Course Info

LOCATION (Start/Finish/Expo)
Westminster Promenade Terrace, at the foot of the Westin Hotel (across the street!): 10600 Westminster Blvd, Westminster, CO. Near Highway 36 and Church Ranch Blvd, between Denver and Boulder!

The Promenade Terrace is on the SOUTH side of N Promenade Way near the stairs and the stage.

Parking is available on a limited basis right next to the Terrace on the south side of Promenade Way. Additional parking is available by the shops across Westminster Blvd and at Christopher Fields. 

All 3W Events maintain a cup-free finish area.  Bring your own water bottle.   At the finish line, there will be no cups.  You can leave your water bottle at the expo/finish area if you desire.

You will see a water station on the course twice.  It will have biodegradable cups or you may refill your personal water container at the station.

Portajohns are located on the south side of the Terrace parking area.  There are no restrooms on the course.

The 7.77k course is on Big Dry Creek which is mostly concrete with some packed gravel.

Yes!  Your dog is welcome on this course, and would look amazing in a leprechaun costume, don't you think?

When you run with your jogging stroller in this event, take care at each of the foot bridges - there are some bumps on the approach and exit of the bridges. Part of this course is on gravel/dirt and depending on recent weather could be rutted. A jogging stroller would be recommended. 

There is no course cut-off time for this event.


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